Tag - Travel Safety

Student Safety on Band Trips

Band trips are immersive learning experiences for students. Traveling to new places and doing hands-on exploring helps contextualize lessons from the classroom and deepens student understanding. While students are busy making life-long memories, safety on band trips must be a constant priority. Here are several important tips to keep in mind to ensure a smooth and safe experience for everyone on the trip.     1. Stay With the Group First and foremost when considering student safety on band trips, always stick with your...

Student Safety on School Trips

School trips are immersive learning experiences for students. Traveling to new places and doing hands-on exploring helps contextualize lessons from the classroom and deepens student understanding. While students are busy making life-long memories, student safety on school trips must be a constant priority. Here are several important safety tips to keep in mind to ensure a smooth experience for everyone on the trip. 1. Stay With the Group First and foremost when considering student safety on school trips, always stick with your...
Avoiding Travel Germs on Planes

Avoiding Travel Germs on Planes

You are a Music Director and you have spent night and day getting prepared for your big performance trip. For all the endless hours of rehearsing, fund raisers, coordinating, delegating, etc., the last thing you want to hear is that you just lost 10% of your performers to the flu. Getting sick on the road or in the sky before a performance is just the worst. And it can happen to anyone. Here are some quick tips about how to...