Travel Smarter
Before traveling, please check out these helpful tips.
Hints & Instructions
All school and organization rules and policies set forth in the student handbook are in effect for the duration of this trip.
Group travel hints
- You are representing your school & community. Dress appropriately.
- Good manners are always a plus wherever you are!
- Communicate with your chaperones; let them know where you are.
- If you feel ill, tell your chaperone immediately.
- Review your itinerary and be aware of your responsibilities.
- It takes time to move a large group. Be patient. Arrive on time.
- Eat properly & sleep at night.
Motorcoach instructions
- Do not leave personal items on the coach overnight.
- Food may be taken on board as long as the coach is kept clean. Drinks should be in plastic screw-top bottles.
- Please treat your driver with respect.
- Never flush foreign objects in the toilet! Once the chemical flush is full, it is unusable; use rest stops when possible.
- Do not disembark until your Tour Director or Director releases you.
- Please, NO Flash Photography while on board the motorcoach!
- Please remain seated while vehicle is in motion.
Hotel instructions
- Read the instructions in your room concerning an emergency escape.
- At curfew, you must be in your room. No one is to enter your room after curfew except chaperones or staff. Keep the noise level down.
- Elevators are for all hotel guests; respect the other guests.
- Telephones must not be used after curfew except in an emergency. You are responsible for outside phone charges to your room.
- Keep your room locked! Keep track of the key.
- No student is allowed in the room of a person of the opposite sex.
Responsibilities of Chaperones
- This tour is designed for students. Be patient, flexible, and helpful.
- Make sure everyone understands all instructions.
- Communicate-get to know the students by name.
- Make sure hotel rooms are in order upon arrival and departure.
- Monitor rooms at curfew. The after-hour rule must be enforced.
- Make sure your students are up each morning on time.
- Report any rule violations to the director; but don't create problems.
- Be courteous and helpful; correct if necessary, but don't antagonize.
- You cannot grant a favor for one unless you can do it for everyone!
- Check out more chaperone tips here.
Packing Checklist
Packing can be stressful, and airline luggage fees continue to climb. Review your itinerary, and use this list to plan your wardrobe.
On your person
- Photo ID (If you have one)
- Eye glasses, contact lenses
- Medication
- Phone/Device Charger
- Spending money
- Wear comfortable shoes
- Tour Booklet (You will need this booklet throughout the tour.)
In your carry-on bag
- Extra prescription in case you lose your medication
- Change of clothes
- Snacks, chewing gum
- Serial numbers for your traveler’s checks
In your checked luggage
- Performance attire (if applicable)
- Shampoo (in a zip-lock bag)
- Sleepwear
- Underwear
- Socks - hosiery
- Clothing for each day of the trip
- Miscellaneous: Nail file, band-aids, safety pins, sewing kit, etc.
- Umbrella/Poncho
- Swimwear & cover-up (if applicable)
- Lightweight coat or jacket
Tag you bags
- Your suitcase & carry-on must be properly tagged.
- Pack light - you must be able to carry your own luggage.
- Rule of thumb: If in doubt, leave it out.
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