Tag - Travel Security

Music Travel Consultants

Being a Part of Music Travel Consultants

On April 1st of 2014, four Music Travel Consultants employees were faced with a big decision. Mark Harting, Jef Furr, Ryan Morris and Rick Campbell stepped up to the plate and became owners and leaders of Music Travel Consultants. Changes had to be made quickly, in almost every way imaginable. But the most important thing that did not change was that ALL staff, tour directors, and clients remained “on board.”   All are still here, three years later. Why? Because everyone who...
Music Travel Consultants: Travel Security

Music Travel Consultants: Travel Security

With Music Travel Consultants: Travel Security is important for travelers and they need to know that their safety and security is our uppermost concern. The recent, tragic terrorist attacks are a terrible reminder of the vulnerability of our societies at home and abroad. We grieve for and support those families directly affected. Knowing that no one can guarantee that an unforeseen event will not occur, Music Travel Consultants will energetically continue our efforts to keep all traveling with us safe and...
Avoiding Travel Germs on Planes

Avoiding Travel Germs on Planes

You are a Music Director and you have spent night and day getting prepared for your big performance trip. For all the endless hours of rehearsing, fund raisers, coordinating, delegating, etc., the last thing you want to hear is that you just lost 10% of your performers to the flu. Getting sick on the road or in the sky before a performance is just the worst. And it can happen to anyone. Here are some quick tips about how to...